Thursday, February 27, 2020

Respirtory case study Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Respirtory case study - Essay Example It can also be due to the allergic rthinitis, as well as the rhinitis that occurs following an environmental irritant. The patient’s condition might be indicating that he or she has influenza infection. Part 2 In order to reach at a conclusion concerning the patient’s condition, certain questions are essential in helping eliminate some of the range of suspected diagnosis (Bass, 2004). Following the initial physical examinations, the patient was said to have a prolonged coughing that is persistent with chest pressure radiating to the back. This implies that in order to be sure that the patient’s case is not as a result of acute cough or common cold, such questions as how often do you sneeze or at what frequency do you sneeze, do you feel any sort of obstruction in your nose do you feel any irritation in your throat, have you been experiencing a postnasal drip lately, shall be of use. The rationale behind these questioning is that, in case, the patient presents sig ns of irritation and lacrimation in her/his throat, nasal obstruction, signs of sneezing, signs of postnasal drip, with a normal chest, and possibly rhinorrhea, then common cold or acute cough shall be responsible for the patient’s conditions. On the contrary, if the patient fails to show this signs, then common acute cough may be ruled out of the possible causes of the patient’s condition. ... The rationale behind asking this question is based upon the idea that the patient is a smoker and thus prone to noxious particles from tobacco smoking that can end up triggering an abnormal inflammation response in the patient’s lungs. In ascertaining if the patient’s condition suggest anything that he/she is influencer affected, the essential questions shall be do you feel feverish or chilly, has your sore throat lasted for more than 3 days, do you experience frontal or retro-orbital headache and how severe is it, do you have any burning sensations, or pain upon motion, do you feel weak or fatigued when performing normal activities, do you experience shortness of breath and pains in your chest. A range of questions set above are meant to help rule out influencer as the possible cause of the patient’s condition. Part 3 lungs shall be the vital system that I would checked by performing lung functioning tests. The rationale behind checking the lungs is that at admi ssion, the patient was said to be a smoker, and had cough accompanied by chest pressure radiating to the back. This implies that smoke particles must be the causal agent for patient P’s condition. Part 4 Diagnostic tests The Recommended treatment plan for each of the Differential Diagnoses Diagnosis of the exacerbation of the chronic obstructive pulmonary disease needs lung function tests Diagnosis of acute cold require laboratory tests. b. Therapeutic regimens Acute cold due to common cold can be treated with dexbrompheniramine plus naproxen and pseudoephedrine. Ipratropium for relieving rhinorrhea and sneezing along with zink Lozenges. Antibiotics for treating bacterial infections due to bacterial sinusitis. In treating the exacerbation of the

Monday, February 10, 2020

The new economy Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

The new economy - Essay Example ftware have the capability of doing more word as compared to humans, it is also true that technology has helped many people monetize their homes and even employ others. A perfect example of how technology creates jobs is the Agriculture sector. The percentage of persons working on farms declined from 41%-2% in the last century. Over the same period agricultural production rose and farmers got employed in factories and cubicles. Economists have linked the shrinking American middle class to technological displacement of human labor. More jobs coming up are for Ph.D.s and casual labourers such as home cleaners. Drivers and self-driven cars threaten the jobs of chauffeurs & drivers. Software threatens the jobs of their very developers. However as these jobs go, others are created; according to Airbnb CEO Brian Cheskey, the firm may employ only 16000 but has 30 million users. It creates more jobs of the 21st century through creation of income for hosts monetizing their homes, as well local business & service providers (Foroohar, 2015). The new economy will therefore be more about individuals. Persons with good education, who are smart and have entrepreneurial minds, will thrive well in the new economy. The government should thus respond to the threat of displacement by reforming education, increasing training for the workforce as well as the social services net to accommodate the slack. Global supply chains will be affected by increased integration hanks to technology. This means that survival in the new economy and the evolving supply chains & logistics will require high calibre skills. I content that technology will increase output and therefore prosperity and thus going forward this knowledge will really influence my approach to